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Thank you for choosing OPTICWORLD.PK. If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we’re here to help you in the finest possible way with our winning costumer-oriented policies.
Shipping policy
To be eligible for an exchange, the following conditions apply:
• The customer must fill the exchange form that he/she receives along with the shipment. It has to be sent back along with the product to OPTIC WORLD COLLECTION headquarters.
• The product must be unused and in the original condition.
• The product must have the original packaging in which the customer received it.
• The item needs to have the original receipt while sending the product back to OPTIC WORLD COLLECTION headquarters.
Note: In case a customer gets the delivery from a Courier company (Example: TCS or LEOPARD COURIERS). The courier companies do not let the customer open the packaging and do not take back the product at the time of delivery. In case the customer finds an issue with the product at the time of delivery, the customer has a flexible time span of 7 days after delivery to claim an exchange.
What does the customers have to do to claim an exchange?
• The customer must intimate OPTIC WORLD COLLECTION that he/she requires a  exchange on the product within 7 working days after delivery.
• The customer must fill the complete Exchange form.
• The customer has to bear the cost of sending back the product to OPTIC WORLD COLLECTION headquarter.
• Once the product reaches OPTIC WORLD COLLECTION headquarters, it would take 48 working hours to inspect the item and the customer shall be intimated regarding the claim approval or disapproval via call or email.
• In case the customer fails to provide the product under the above conditions, the claim cannot be approved. OPTIC WORLD COLLECTION will send back the product to the customer’s address and the customer will have to bear the delivery charges.
• If the customer fails to claim for an exchange within 7 days after delivery, the above opportunity cannot be availed.
Changes in policies
OPTIC WORLD COLLECTION.COM reserves the right to edit or change the above policies at any time with an immediate effect. Please keep yourself updated with the latest policies.
Contact Us
If you have any questions on how to return or get your product exchanged, contact us at or call us at +92 312 463 5462